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Join Our Community

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Become a member of our community and enjoy a variety of benefits. Support our mission to conserve Hamilton Hall, share its history, and expand opportunities for community gatherings, education and celebration.

Hamilton Level Member: Two invitations to the annual Appreciation Reception, Two Tickets to the traditional Holiday Dance, four tickets to the fall Americana Lecture and all McIntire-level benefits

Remond Level Member: Two invitations to the annual Appreciation Reception, 50% off two tickets to the traditional Holiday Dance, two tickets to the fall Americana Lecture and all McIntire-level benefits

Lafayette Level Member: Two invitations to the annual Appreciation Reception, one tickets to the fall Americana Lecture and all McIntire-level benefits

McIntire Level Member: An invitation to purchase tickets to the traditional Holiday Dance and a member discount to Hamilton Hall’s signature events

Supporter: An invitation to purchase tickets to the traditional Holiday Dance.

Hamilton Hall is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. 100% of your donation goes towards the maintenance and improvement of historic Hamilton Hall, and your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.